Near East University
Honour and High Honour Certificates
According to the Article 13 of the Near East University Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulation, “At the end of a semester, students with at least normal course load and an average of 3.00-3.49 at the end of the semester are honors students, associate and undergraduate students who are between 3.50-4.00. students are considered high honour students in the semester. The list of these students is announced at the end of each semester. "As stated in the form, it has been taken by the decision of the Rectorate to provide the eligible students with the as a digital documents that have not been issued in print since 08.06.2021
If the students are eligible to receive a document, they can check the document for that period and download it in PDF format from the system with the repeat they want. Documents announced in the relevant period can be obtained from the system for a period of 4 years (8). Later, it is removed from the system and access cannot be obtained even if it is deserved. Documents can be accessed under the "Students" menu, under the Honour and High Honour Certificates submenu
I think I deserve the document but it does not appear in the system?
If a student thinks that is entitled to receive a certificate due to average and certificate is not issued, student should contact the Course Counselor at the Faculty / School and confirm average in the system. Then, the student course advisor can make a request to info.uzebim@neu.edu.tr
Sertifika doğrulaması nasıl yapabilirim?
Sertifikanızı indirdikten sonra sol üst köşedeki özel kodunuzu kullanrak 3 şekilde doğrulanabilir. Kurs sayfasında sağ tarafta bulunan QR kodunu mobil cihaznızda bulunan QR okuyucu (yüklü ise) okutup çıkan sayfada kodunuzu girip doğrula tuşuna basarak, Aynı sayfada QR kodu altında bulunan linke tıklayıp veya sertifikanızın sağ üst köşesinde bulunan QR kodunu okutarak.Ekstra1